Tuesday 8 May 2018

Motif – An important ingredient in a book

What is an ingredient that makes a book worthy to read? Ever thought a book without motifs? Motif works the same way as salt in food. It is an ingredient which adds substance to a story and makes it interesting for a reader.

Motif is an idea or an image that is repetitive in nature in a literary work. It is sometimes mistakenly referred as symbols, but motifs are sound, idea, image that helps a reader to understand something – a theme. Where a symbol repeats itself once or twice in a work, motifs are recurring in the entire literary work. We can also say a noun that describes an event, or a character can be termed a motif. Readgrad contains books from different genres which could be enjoyed with entire family starting from kids to elders.

The idea behind motif is to develop a story in a more engaging and interesting way which could add value for the readers. A book is incomplete without proper utilization of motifs, it can be said a book cannot make its place for the readers without motif. Through it repetitive nature, motif can produce a mood or a flow which provokes a reader to get indulged into the wonders of the literary world. Many readers understand what a symbol is but not everyone understands a motif. Join Readgrad and understand more about literary work along with your family where learning becomes fun.

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